'Into the Mystic' is the Winner

Into the Mystic

Into the Mystic

It happened again. There must be some truth to the saying, "great minds think alike" because so often more than one person submits the best title (in my opinion) for one of my Name This Image contests. This time both Michael Hurley and Courtney Watkins chose "Into the Mystic" as their title for this photo of early morning rays breaking

through patchy fog in the Figueroa Mountain Recreation Area just east of Santa Ynez, CA. Aside from the fact that I have a particular fondness for the Van Morrison tune of the same  name, I think it's the perfect title for this image. It just works - don't you agree?

As I said, this  happens (multiple winning entries) often enough that I normally award the prize of a signed print only to the first winning entry. In this case, however, because of how this contest was conducted (paper entries vs web), I have no idea who submitted their entry first. So I think it's only fair that both winners receive the prize. So congratulations Michael and Courtney and thanks for a great title!

My thanks also go out to everyone else who entered - there were lots of great submissions. The next contest will be announced very soon so you will have more chances to win in the near future. If you want to be sure that you don't miss the announcement, subscribe to my Updates on the home page of this site


Looks Fake, Looked Faker in Real Life


December 2011 Name This Image Contest