Do you need an engaging and thought provoking speaker

for your photography club, Meetup group or event?

Contact me.


There’s more to photography than f-stops and Photoshop.  I'm talking about the creative vision piece.  Some people call it the Photographer's Eye.  I call it The Art of Seeing.  But it's a little lonely out there....there’s a deafening silence on the internet when it comes to practical ways to sharpen your creative vision.  Although nobody denies the importance of creativity in photography, I think most people figure there’s not all that much to say about it.  It’s a god-given talent – “you have it or you don’t” kind of thing, right?  Or, at best, your creativity and personal style just develops over time…a long time.  That’s just flat wrong in my experience.  Creativity is a muscle that that can be intentionally exercised and made stronger. Seeing is a skill that anyone can learn. 

Don’t get me wrong, I don't discount the craft aspects of photography.  When I want to bust a new move in Photoshop, YouTube is my friend.  And I scour the web constantly in search of a cure for my G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). But there’s more...a lot more.  It’s what I call the 'other half of photography'.  If we’ve met, you already know that I’ll blab endlessly to anyone who will listen about the Art of Seeing.  But it’s really inefficient spreading the gospel of Seeing to one person at a time.  That’s why I’m taking my show on the road.  It’s a presentation called Seeing 101 and in it I talk about how I learned that there are literally two ways of seeing, My ‘Aha’ Moment; which way is ‘right' for photography (or any other artistic/creative task) and techniques to trick your brain into shifting into C-mode (creative mode).  It runs about 90 minutes and I’m giving this presentation to anyone who’ll have me...I mean various photography groups. And just so we're clear, I never once mention your inner child or how the big bad world is crushing your dreams. 

There's a growing schedule of speaking events. Hopefully there's one in your area happening soon, I would love to meet you there. If not, please subscribe and you will be notified as new events are added. Or maybe we could create one for your photography group. Get in touch and I'll do my best to make it happen. 

Hope to see you in the audience