2025–2026 Photography Workshops & Tours


Sharpen your skills and expand your creative vision on one of our photography workshops, or as we call them, Photography Adventures!

Find inspiration and focus on your photography in a place where everything is new to your eyes, you’re free from distractions, and among a small group of passionate photographers.

Our carefully crafted itineraries include the best of the must-see’s, but we veer off the tourist trail early and often to capture more authentic visions of local life.

I have been on a lot of photo trips with other groups but my last two major trips have been with Art of Seeing and they have been outstanding and I have learned more than all the others fact I have booked 3 more trips with them...if you’re serious about your trips and photography you need to check them out...LOL this is not a paid commercial but just the truth..
— David V

Alumni Discounts

If  you’ve traveled with us before, we want to thank you with discounts of future trips View details of our Alumni Rewards program