Insights and musings about photography and the creative process
Photo of the Day: Winter Fenceline
A near buried fence in the depths of winter evokes emotions of...
A near buried fence in the depths of winter evokes emotions of both serenity and loneliness.
Photo of the Day: Cottonwood in Snowstorm
The photo of the day is a lone cottonwood tree endures a late Spring snowstorm in Browns park, Colorado.
A lone cottonwood tree endures a late Spring snowstorm in Browns park, Colorado.
Photo of the Day: Winter Spruce
A momentary break in the clouds illuminates a cluster of Spruce trees in...
A momentary break in the clouds illuminates a cluster of Spruce trees in the Strawberry Park area of Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Photo of the Day: Aspen Shadows
The undulating shadows of spen tree trunks stripe the snow...
The undulating shadows of aspen tree trunks stripe the snow covered forest floor on a mid-winter day.
Photo Of The Day: Herd on the Move
Winter's arrival drives large herds of elk out of the mountains and into the lower valleys in..
Winter's arrival drives large herds of elk out of the mountains and into the lower valleys in search of food and shelter. Near Steamboat Springs, Colorado.