Insights and musings about photography and the creative process
Photo of the Day: Band of Brothers
The photo of the day is this image of three young mountain goats pausing before crossing a creek near Glacier National Park, Montana.
Three young mountain goats pause momentarily before crossing a creek swollen with Spring runoff. Near Glacier National Park, Montana.
Photo of the Day: Sunrise Sentinel
A mature Great Blue heron (Ardea Herodias) in full breeding plumage enjoys...
A mature Great Blue heron (Ardea Herodias) in full breeding plumage enjoys the warming first rays of daylight in the Florida Everglades.
Photo of the Day: King of the Rockies
The photo of the day is this image of nature bestowing a magnificent crown upon a mature bull elk in his prime.
Nature bestows a magnificent crown upon a mature bull elk in its prime.