Insights and musings about photography and the creative process

Photo of the Day: Reservoir Raindance

It's been some time since Lake Cachuma in the Santa Ynez valley has looked this full and lush. The reservoir, one of the principal sources of drinking water...

It's been some time since Lake Cachuma in the Santa Ynez valley has looked this full and lush. The reservoir, one of the principal sources of drinking water for residents of Santa Barbara, has reached a critically low level  due to the ongoing drought in California. This late winter aerial view of Cachuma was made at sunrise  during the last year that the area received above average rainfall.

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New Meetup Event: Seeing 101

We all instantly recognize good pictures when we see them. Then why is it so hard to capture one with our cameras? Come find out...

We all instantly recognize good pictures when we see them. Then why is it so hard to capture one with our cameras? Come find out the answer in Ken Lee’s presentation, Seeing 101, at the Santa Monica Public Library, Oct 15 at 1:30 pm. Admission is free, but space is limited, so please sign up if you’re coming and try to show up a little early. 

You’ve heard of the photographer's eye. It’s the thing that lets some people find amazing photographs in scenes where others see nothing. And as much as technology can dress up mundane pictures, it’s creative vision that’s ultimately at the core of making images with impact. The question is whether you have to be born with this special talent or is it something you can acquire? Ken Lee knows from experience that the ability to fluently speak the visual language that we all innately understand is one that anyone can learn, practice, and develop. Ken calls it the Art of Seeing and he has dedicated himself to helping others learn to see artfully. Ken will share his own ‘aha moment’ story when he suddenly understood the key to making good photographs, the principles behind his Whole Brain approach to learning photography, and plenty of practical tips to help you expand your creative vision. The presentation will run about 45 - 60 mins and there will be a Q&A session afterward. We look forward to seeing you there.

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Photo of the Day Ken Lee Photo of the Day Ken Lee

Photo of the Day: Pilgrim Prostrations

Devout pilgrims inch their way across incredible distances towards Lhasa. Pilgrimages to holy sites are essential expressions of faith in Tibetan Buddhism with the...

Devout pilgrims inch their way across incredible distances towards Lhasa. Pilgrimages to holy sites are essential expressions of faith in Tibetan Buddhism with the emphasis placed on the journey rather than the destination. Some choose to make these journeys, often lasting months and covering hundreds of miles, in an infinite series of prostrations interspersed by only three steps.

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Photo of the Day Ken Lee Photo of the Day Ken Lee

Photo of the Day: Freedom Cry

The majestic bald eagle is once again thriving in the nation it symbolizes. When I lived in Colorado, just outside of Steamboat Springs, I had the most wonderful nature-fillled commute.

The majestic bald eagle is once again thriving in the nation it symbolizes. When I lived in Colorado, just outside of Steamboat Springs, I had the most wonderful nature-filled commute. In the space of 10 miles or so, I saw an incredible variety of slam-on-the-brakes scenes with the passing of the seasons. Herds of elk in the hundreds in fall, Sandhill cranes with their chicks in spring and Redtail hawks hunting in fields of fresh cut summer hay. One winter morning, I noticed some activity in the branches of a dead tree that large birds often perched in. As I got closer, I saw that this time it was a pair of bald eagles. The fully fledged adult, which I assumed to be the mom, was standing on the topmost tree limb and seemed to be scolding her mostly brown offspring. I made up the content of the conversation in my head as I scrambled to set up my camera and tripod. "Time to move out and make your own way in this world, son," it seemed she was saying. I fired off dozens of frames as the lecture continued. This one is the best of the bunch. I opened the gallery a little late that day, but it was well worth it.

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Photo of the Day Ken Lee Photo of the Day Ken Lee

Photo of the Day: Light My Fire

A Hindu priest holds up an offering of fire to Mother Ganga, goddess of the holy Ganges, as part of a ritual known as Aarti. In Varanasi, Aarti is performed every night, rain or shine. 


A Hindu priest holds up an offering of fire to Mother Ganga, goddess of the holy Ganges, as part of a ritual known as Aarti. In Varanasi, Aarti is performed every night, rain or shine. As sunset approaches, pilgrims and toursits gather along the river bank in large numbers. Many send their own offerings in the form of diyas, small cups containing a flower and candle. floating down the river.

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Photo of the Day Ken Lee Photo of the Day Ken Lee

Photo of the Day: Inspiration Station

Part of the beautiful glass ceiling at the LA Metro's Union Station stop. Los Angeles is definitely not known for its public transportation system but it's come a long way in the last few years and it's a great way to explore LA for tourists and locals alike.

20150207-IMG_1747 master_1500px.jpg

Part of the beautiful glass ceiling at the LA Metro's Union Station stop. Los Angeles is definitely not known for its public transportation system but it's come a long way in the last few years and it's a great way to explore LA for tourists and locals alike.

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Announcements Ken Lee Announcements Ken Lee

New Website, New Work, New Workshops!

I'm happy to announce the launch of the new The Art of Seeing website, home of my blog, contests, events and workshops. Check out the site site today!

Welcome to my new site! I'm very happy to announce the launch of, the new home of my blog, contests, events and workshops. It took a while longer than I planned and there's still a bit of cleanup going on in the corners but I think it turned out nicely. There's a lot going on around here and more to come so I hope you will have a look around. If you want to skip to the good stuff, here are a few highlights: 


 Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you out there!

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New Workshop! The Art of Seeing: India 2017

Are you looking for an intensive, immersive photography focused adventure? Does the idea of improving your image making abilities in a far off location free from everyday distractions appeal to you? If these things sound like your idea of a good time, then The Art of Seeing: India 2017 Photography Workshop & Tour just might be your ticket.  Join me and a small group of photographers March 3-19, 2017  as we capture the colors of the Holi Festival, experience the magnificence of the Taj Mahal and photograph the stars on an overnight desert camel safari. From the chaotic crowds of  Delhi to the exhilarating  atmosphere of Varanasi heavy with history and spirituality, the opportunities to make memorable photographs

Looking for an immersive photography adventure? Join me on our India photography tour as we capture the colors of the Holi Festival. Learn more today.

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Announcements, Contests Ken Lee Announcements, Contests Ken Lee

Win This Print!

I'm holding another Name This Image Contest. Win a signed print and have your entry immortalized as this photograph's official title! Enter today

It's baaack! Calling all creative minds...I'm holding another Name This Image Contest!  It's easy and you could win a signed print and have your entry immortalized as this photograph's official title! Enter as many times as you want before the deadline, September 30. And be sure to share with your friends.

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Announcements Ken Lee Announcements Ken Lee

Join Us!

Photography Adventures is the latest photography MeetUp Group in LA. Join us for photowalks, gallery tours, group photoshoots, guest speakers & more!

The Art of Seeing Photography Adventures is the latest (and greatest, we think) photography MeetUp Group in Los Angeles! We're all about becoming better image makers by practicing and learning more about our common passion. Join us as we explore the greater LA area and beyond through photowalks, gallery tours, group photoshoots, guest speakers and more.   

It's an amazing time to be a photographer with technology both facilitating and driving artistic vision. Some of our events will be centered specific equipment or techniques but we will also devote much of our time to understanding the creative process and developing the photographer's eye, or as we like to call it, The Art of Seeing. So whether your focus is nature, street life, fashion, travel,  architecture, fine art or something else, we think you'll have a great time sharing your interests and learning new things with others that have been bitten by the photo bug!


What our members have to say!

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My 'Aha' Moment

Up to that point, I had harbored some doubts about whether I really had ‘it' as a photographer…In general, my photographs were technically sound, but totally uninspiring and I knew it. I did have a few photographs I was proud of, but maybe I just got lucky those times.





"To look at a thing is very different from seeing it" - Oscar Wilde

Maybe the best way to start off this discussion is to relate how I came to see the light, so to speak. I was in my last year of photography school and a bit annoyed that the instructor of this particular class (Advanced Illustration Photography as I recall) had included "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards in the syllabus. After all, we were there to learn photography, not how to draw. Up to that point, I had harbored some doubts about whether I really had ‘it' as a photographer. I mean I loved photography, no question. So much so I wouldn't hesitate to call it a burning passion. And I knew the difference between good images and not so good ones. But my own work felt lacking. I had learned well all of the lessons about lighting patterns and contrast ratios and color temperature. I mastered maintaining detail in the shadows and highlights. In general, my photographs were technically sound, but totally uninspiring and I knew it. I did have a few photographs I was proud of, but maybe I just got lucky those times. So there I was, trying to learn how to translate my passion for photography into images with passion, and this instructor wanted me to waste my precious time on a book about drawing. I had no talent in this area and even less inclination to learn. But I couldn't help being totally floored when one of the first exercises I attempted yielded the best drawing I had ever made in my life. The exercise involved copying a picture out of the book with the twist that the picture was presented upside down. Probably the only reason I completed the exercise was that the instructor was literally walking around looking over our shoulders. But when I finished and turned my copy right side up, I couldn't stop staring at the piece of paper in front of me. What I saw was a very reasonable copy of the original drawing and certainly the best drawing I had ever made in my life!  Why would drawing a picture upside down make such a difference in my drawing abilities? The answer, it turns out, was that when the drawing was upside down, I couldn't use the stored concepts in my head of what a nose, eyes, mouth, lips, etc. look like. Instead, I was forced to really see what was there.

Betty Edwards is a professor of art that taught drawing for many years and came to the conclusion that everyone has the ability to draw reasonably well, they just need to be taught how to see correctly.  Through a series of exercises, she teaches us that there are really two ways of seeing and that looking at things the 'right' (right brain) way is the key to drawing well. I believe it is the key to photography as well. I have also come to believe that what we call art and creativity is just the language of the right brain mode of seeing/thinking. It is a language without words; a language that we all innately understand but sometimes need help speaking.  That day in class was a turning point in my approach to photography.  I realized then that technique and equipment had very little to do with making good images.  Since then, it's been an ongoing journey to better understand the whole creative process and apply the knowledge to my photography. I have come across some great teachers and gained some of my own insights as well. I plan to use this space to discuss this journey. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences as well.

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Blog Ken Lee Blog Ken Lee

The Art of Seeing India - Workshop PreAnnouncement

My first trip to India yielded an amazing adventure, a handful of photographs I am proud of and some questions. A lot of questions. I'll be back next year, March 2017, with a small group of photographers looking for answers. Or maybe just asking more questions. I invite you to join us. 

Taj Mahal at Sunrise
Taj Mahal at Sunrise

“This is India; the land of dreams and romance, of fabulous wealth and fabulous poverty, of splendor and rags, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence, of genii and giants and Aladdin lamps, of tigers and elephants, the cobra and the jungle, the country of a thousand nations and a hundred tongues, of a thousand religions and two million gods, cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history, grandmother of legend, great-grandmother of tradition..." —Mark Twain, Following the Equator, 1897

India is beautiful. And complicated. And beautiful. Oh, I said that.

My first trip to India yielded an amazing adventure, a handful of photographs I am proud of and some questions. A lot of questions. I'll be back next year, March 2017, with a small group of photographers looking for answers. Or maybe just asking more questions. I invite you to join us. The dates and itinerary are still being finalized but if you think you might be interested, please contact me and I will make sure to keep you updated.  In the meantime, you can see some of my favorite images from this incredible experience in my India gallery

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Announcements, Blog, Workshops Ken Lee Announcements, Blog, Workshops Ken Lee

Wild Horses of the Adobe Valley Photography Workshop

Join me for a unique adventure in the Adobe Valley area of the Inyo National Forest for opportunities to photograph the wild mustangs. Learn more here

Track and photograph wild mustangs on foot and horseback!

I am very excited announce that I will be the photography instructor for a unique adventure offered by Rock Creek Pack Station (Bishop, CA). For four days this spring, we will hike and ride through the remote and seldom visited Adobe Valley area of the Inyo National Forest seeking opportunities to observe and photograph the wild mustangs that call this rugged territory home. RCPS' expert tracker/guides will educate us in the natural history and behavior of these icons of the American west. Photography instruction will be a combination of lecture/demonstrations, image critiques and in the field coaching. With any luck our cameras will capture galloping mustangs, battling stallions and mares with their newborn foals!

Nestled between two major mountain ranges, the Sierra Nevada and the White Mountains, the Adobe Valley is a unique haven for these magnificent creatures.  With such stunning backdrops it's hard to imagine a more picturesque locale for this exciting experience.

May 13-16, 2016

Cost $875 per person including meals, tent lodging, pack/riding stock, guides and photography instruction.

For more information or to register for this event, please visit the RCPS  Mustang Trips page or call 760-872-8331

Wild Stallions Fighting
Wild Stallions Fighting
A wild mare and her foal
A wild mare and her foal
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Blog, The Art of Seeing Ken Lee Blog, The Art of Seeing Ken Lee

Looks Fake, Looked Faker in Real Life

When watching sunrises and sunsets is part of your job description, it's easy to forget the fact you are witnessing a minor miracle a couple of times a day. You tend to get, well, jaded might be too strong a word but let’s call it a connoisseur's disdain for the unexceptional. 

A truly photo worthy sunset over the Sierra Nevada

A truly photo worthy sunset over the Sierra Nevada

When watching sunrises and sunsets is part of your job description, it's easy to forget the fact you are witnessing a minor miracle that happens on schedule, twice a day.  Jaded might be too strong a word, but you tend to develop a connoisseur's disdain for the unexceptional. But Mother Nature has a way of reminding you who the real artist is. Case in point, I was walking along the Owens river one fall evening hoping for a 'decent’ sunset to photograph. It wasn't looking too promising as a rapidly thickening blanket of clouds threatened to cancel the event altogether.  In the race between the gathering clouds and the setting sun, it looked like the clouds were going to claim the prize. "Looks like it's going to be a bust," I thought but decided to stick it out anyways. As the sun sank to meet the peaks of the eastern Sierra, a golden glow illuminated the entire valley. There was an amazing quality to the light that I’ve only rarely experienced. It felt like the light wasn’t emanating from the setting sun as much as from the air all around me. Then, the sky exploded.

Although I was alone, I'm pretty sure I  said "this is unreal" out loud more than once. Then I bent down over the tripod and got to work.  I’ve been to this rodeo enough times to know that staying calm is part of the secret to success so I tried my best to adopt a zen attitude. Breathe. Focus. Breathe. Focus. I 'worked the scene' as best as I could, trying various compositions and camera settings, only pausing occasionally to let out a quiet “oh wow." I clicked off a few dozen frames before I knew that the moment had passed. As the light faded, I stopped shooting and watched the final act in reverent gratitude. This, I thought, is why I do this.

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Blog Ken Lee Blog Ken Lee

'Into the Mystic' is the Winner

It happened again. There must be some truth to the saying, "great minds think alike" because so often more than one person submits the best title (in my opinion) for one of my Name This Image contests. 

Into the Mystic

Into the Mystic

It happened again. There must be some truth to the saying, "great minds think alike" because so often more than one person submits the best title (in my opinion) for one of my Name This Image contests. This time both Michael Hurley and Courtney Watkins chose "Into the Mystic" as their title for this photo of early morning rays breaking

through patchy fog in the Figueroa Mountain Recreation Area just east of Santa Ynez, CA. Aside from the fact that I have a particular fondness for the Van Morrison tune of the same  name, I think it's the perfect title for this image. It just works - don't you agree?

As I said, this  happens (multiple winning entries) often enough that I normally award the prize of a signed print only to the first winning entry. In this case, however, because of how this contest was conducted (paper entries vs web), I have no idea who submitted their entry first. So I think it's only fair that both winners receive the prize. So congratulations Michael and Courtney and thanks for a great title!

My thanks also go out to everyone else who entered - there were lots of great submissions. The next contest will be announced very soon so you will have more chances to win in the near future. If you want to be sure that you don't miss the announcement, subscribe to my Updates on the home page of this site

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Announcements, Blog, Contests Ken Lee Announcements, Blog, Contests Ken Lee

December 2011 Name This Image Contest

I'm doing something a little different this month to wrap up the year. This image may be less 'serious' (whatever that means) than some of my other work but you can't deny that it's in keeping with the season! I hope it brings a little smile your face.

Spike, Midnight & Rocky
Spike, Midnight & Rocky

It's contest time again... with a twist this time. Click here for the entry form and all of the details.

I'm doing something a little different this month to wrap up the year. This image may be less 'serious' (whatever that means) than some of my other work but you can't deny that it's in keeping with the season! I hope it brings a little smile your face. As an added bonus, the winner of this month's contest will receive their choice of any one of my limited edition prints.

The 3 amigos from left to right are Spike, Rocky & Midnight. I took this a couple years back at our house in Steamboat Springs, CO. We got tired of tossing out a dead tree after every Christmas so we decided to decorate this spruce in our yard instead. I think it worked out quite nicely!

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Announcements, Blog, Contests Ken Lee Announcements, Blog, Contests Ken Lee

And the Winner Is....

Jim Kerr of Steamboat Springs, CO is the winner of November's Name This Image contest. I think Jim's entry, "Water Colors", is the perfect title for this photograph. Simple, elegant, artful...I love it! Congratualtions, Jim - you win a signed limited edition print of Water Colors.


Water Colors

Jim Kerr of Steamboat Springs, CO is the winner of November's Name This Image contest. I think Jim's entry, "Water Colors", is the perfect title for this photograph. Simple, elegant, artful...I love it! Congratualtions, Jim - you win a signed limited edition print of Water Colors.

Many thanks to everyone who particpated, there were so many great entries! Honorable mentions go out to:

"Rainboats" - Phil Regas

"Rowboat Reflections" - Susan Kienzle

"Dock of the Bay" - Haissel Neira

To those who didn't win, don't worry - you will have many more chances. I've decided to hold this contest monthly. Keep an eye on your Inbox or this website for the December contest announcement.



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Photo of the Day Ken Lee Photo of the Day Ken Lee

Photo of the Day: So California

Palm trees, wine grapes, a perfect sunset in the making. The only thing missing is  Don Henley  singing, "welcome to the Hotel California..." in the background. Maybe it's just me but whenever I look at this picture,  I think it epitomizes a certain stereotype of the California lifestyle. 

Palm trees, wine grapes, a perfect sunset in the making. The only thing missing isDon Henleysinging, "welcome to the Hotel California..." in the background. Maybe it's just me but whenever I look at this picture,  I think it epitomizes a certain stereotype of the California lifestyle. Or maybe it's because I was standing in shorts when I made this photograph with November just round the corner.  What do you think?

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Photo of the Day Ken Lee Photo of the Day Ken Lee

Photo of the Day: Beyond the Blue Door

Doesn't this door just look like an enchanted portal to a magical realm? OK...maybe I just have an active imagination. Well, I discovered this passageway at Rancho Sisquoc winery in northern Santa Barbara county one late afternoon recently and it definitely drew me in.

Blue Door

Blue Door

Doesn't this door just look like an enchanted portal to a magical realm? OK...maybe I just have an active imagination. Well, I discovered this passageway at Rancho Sisquoc winery in northern Santa Barbara county one late afternoon recently and it definitely drew me in. The cobalt blue door, the red and green vines, the warm dappled sunlight. It was obvious that the ingredients for an image were present, it was a matter of arranging the elements. I tried a few different compositions and this is the one that felt the most right. There's a lot more photographs to be made on the grounds of  this picturesque winery. It's a bit off the beaten path, but a gorgeous drive especially in the Winter and early Spring when the rolling hills on the way are vivid green. If you go, say hi to Becky and Alex in the tasting room and don't miss their River Red blend. Delicious.

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